Test for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Traumatic events in your life can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder; however, just because you have experienced such an event does not necessarily mean you have the disorder. Along with this, PTSD is not a disorder that is experienced only by soldiers that have been in combat. There are many different events that can bring on such a disorder from child abuse to seeing another person harmed.

If you are wondering if you could be suffering from PTSD, this test may help you come to a conclusion. Of course, this test is just a first step and does not mean that you have the disorder. A professional counselor in Rogers, Arkansas is the only one that can determine if you actually are suffering from PTSD.

Answer each question below honestly. Think about each answer carefully before answering with a yes or no. Once completed the instructions for scoring are at the bottom of the test.

  • Are you worried by an experience or one that you witnessed that brought on horror, the feeling of helplessness, or extreme fear?

  • Do you relive the event in either repeated dreams or disturbing memories?

  • Having flashbacks of the event or feeling as if it is happening again?

  • When you are around things that remind you of the event, do you experience extreme pain or become emotionally upset?

  • When you are reminded of the event do you avoid talking about it or thinking about the event?

  • Do you steer clear of people, places or activities that remind you of the event?

  • Do you go blank on significant parts of the event?

  • Are you losing interest in many activities you once enjoyed?

  • Do you feel that you are detached from others?

  • Do you feel your emotions are being restricted?

  • Do you feel like you will not be able to have children, get married, have a career, or live out your life?

  • Do you have problems sleeping?

  • Do you feel irritable or have anger outbursts?

  • Do you have issues concentrating?

  • Do you have the feeling you have to be watching out for danger?

  • Do you have an inflated response to being startled?

  • Have you noticed a change in your eating or sleeping habits?

  • Do you have more days of sadness than happy?

  • Are you not interested in life?

  • Do you feel guilty or worthless?

  • Has the use of drugs or alcohol caused you problems with family, school, or work?

  • Has the use of drugs or alcohol caused you to be in a dangerous situation?

  • Has the use of drugs or alcohol caused you to be arrested?

  • Have you continued using drugs or alcohol even though it is causing family problems?

Every question that you answered yes to shows that you have a likelihood of the disorder. For those that answered yes to at least thirteen questions, you should seek counseling. Even if you answered yes to less than thirteen but are still worried that you may have a mental disorder, it is always best to seek medical or mental help.

The only persons that can diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder is a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or your physician.

Blending Two Families into One

When you think of blending two families, we often think of the Brady Bunch. Even in a television show, blending two families was not an easy task, but the problems experienced by the Brady’s were often very minor. The parents could talk to the children and usually handle any situation between the differences that occurred. However, you must remember, this is not real life and some of the problems if not meet at the beginning can turn into chaos in a very short time. Blending families cannot just be a snap of the fingers and the family will live harmoniously from this day forward. However, you do not have to give up on the love of your life just because you both have children. Contacting a Rogers family counselor or child therapist before saying I do, maybe the best solution for a happy family.

Too many times, according to the age of the children, they can feel rejected, feel like their parent is more lenient on their new siblings, that their parent loves the new parent more than them and so on and so forth.

Even in a family that is not blended, brothers and sisters are going to fight. However, when you are trying to blend two completely different families, there may be even more fights. No two families are raising their children in the same manner. Rules change and so do so many other things in the home.

Changes in the Home

Not only have the children lost one of their parents, but now they have a new parent and new siblings. Just sharing their parent with another adult can be enough stress but when you throw in new kids, it can be very upsetting and difficult for the children.

Not only are they sharing their parent with another adult and new kids, but they are either moving to another resident or sharing their home with these new people. Often the children must share bedrooms with the new children which of course is placing the new children in the others comfort zone and personal space.

Even enjoying a meal together, may not be as easy as you think. The new kids may not like the food prepared or the kids may believe that the food prepared is to please the new kids as it is different from the food prepared beforehand.

Help Before and After Blending

In the majority of cases, before saying “I do” and moving both families into the same house it may be a good idea to talk with an experienced family counselor.

A professional therapist can help the family even before they become one family help resolve any issues that might be apparent such as sharing space with new family members. By understanding the feelings and emotions of each member of the family, it will be easier for every member to know what is expected and learn to communicate their feelings long before huge issues arise. Getting communication flowing beforehand can save families from huge differences. Even parents can have issues that need to be addressed. One parent may have been very lenient while the other one could have been very strict on the rules.

Once the family is living as one, a therapist can still be a wonderful asset as they can aid as issues arise such as no privacy, sharing bathrooms, feeling ignored and so on and so forth.

Having the help of a therapist to help guide the families into becoming one is the best solution, however, do not expect a Brady Bunch type of family.

Understanding Mood Disorders

There are several different types of mood disorders and it may be hard to believe but studies have shown that in the United States around 20.9 million adults suffer from some type of mood disorder. This includes Northwest Arkansas and the Bentonville area.

The most common disorder is major depression. This disorder can bring on more than just mental issues but physical illness as well. Those suffering from this mood disorder cannot in most cases deal with daily activities. Every person at some time in their life will have to deal with depression, but those with this type of depression may only have one episode while others may experience several episodes.

A milder form but still in the depression category is dysthymia also referred to as dysthymic disorder which usually does not cause the person suffering from this disorder not to be able to carry on daily activities. Diagnosis of this mood disorder is when a person suffers for two years or longer with depression. Individuals can also have bouts of major depression episodes which can lead to not being able to handle daily tasks.

Minor depression is described when a person is depressed for more than two weeks which may need to major depression without the help of a mood disorder counselor.

Other types of depression include psychotic depression, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder. Psychotic depression is when the person is suffering from depression but also losses reality. Postpartum depression is experienced after giving birth. Seasonal affective disorder occurs during the autumn or winter months when there is a decrease in sunlight and days are shorter.

In the United States, there are approximately 5.7 million adults suffering from a manic-depressive illness known as bipolar disorder. Those suffering from this disorder will have combinations of depression and mania which is extreme elation.

Bipolar disorder is a devastating and dangerous disorder that brings on unexpected changes in the person’s energy levels, activity, and mood. Those suffering from this mood disorder may not experience depression but will still have episodes of mania along with times of some or full stability.

Symptoms of Mood Disorders

Depression symptoms include feelings of guilt, helplessness, or unworthiness; loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, constant sadness, anxiety, and feelings of being empty inside; feelings of hopelessness, and thoughts or attempts of suicide.

Mania symptoms include lengthy times of euphoria, being restless, extreme energy, irritability, feelings of grandeur, risky behavior, and impulsive behavior.

Physical Symptoms Associated with Mood Disorders

For those suffering from depression, they will have less energy or feeling fatigue, digestive issues, pains, body aches, headaches, problems with remembering details, issues with concentrating and making decisions, lack of eating or eating more, and sleeping more or not being able to sleep.

For those suffering from manic episodes will experience racing thoughts, not being able to keep their mind on one topic, fast speech, an increase in activities, are easily distracted, cannot sleep, and hypersexuality.

If you are or a loved one show signs of a mood disorder, we are here to help with our experienced counselor that has helped others with mood disorder learn how to cope with the disorder and enjoy a happy productive life. Contact a Bentonville therapist to live life to the fullest.

Professional Advice to Help Control Anxiety

Those suffering from anxiety disorders often spend several hours a day worrying about everything and always seeing the worst outcome. This can lead to all kinds of issues that can make those suffering from anxiety to not lead a normal life. Professionals agree that there are a few ways that you can learn to manage anxiety along with visiting a Bentonville, AR therapist.

Schedule a specific time of day for worrying

Once you begin to worry about anything, put it to the back of your mind. Set a certain time of the day that you will then consider all the worries that have entered your mind throughout the day. This may not sound easy, but you can train yourself to place whatever is causing you anxiety on a shelf in your mind and when the specific time comes you can take on the problem. A good example is that you may be enjoying family time, but your mind slips off to work and worries about a deadline. Instead of accepting this worry at this time, tell yourself, “I will take on this challenge tomorrow when I go to work.”

Create a Disaster Graph

Create a graph with 0 on one side and 100 on the other. Now, think about all the worse things that can happen and place them on the scale with your number that offers the highest numbers. As you consider such things as losing a spouse, a job, or going to an interview, you will be able to place these items in a better perspective once you can place a number on the situation.

Too Much to Do

If you have a long list of things to do at work or home or even a very large project that is staring you in the face, you can slow down your anxiety by prioritizing. Break the large project into what must be done first and forget the rest. Start with the highest priorities at home or work and then go to the

Stay Calm

This sounds easier than it might be, but if you learn breathing techniques, you can calm down even when you feel like you are going to explode. Many people feel anxiety even before they are at the situation that is causing the anxiety such as speaking in public, riding on a subway, or even knowing you have to cross a bridge in the next twenty miles. By beginning breathing techniques long before the situation arrives, you can stay calm which will help lower your fear.

Of course, the best solution is to talk with a counselor that has experience working with individuals that deal with anxiety. Every person is different and the solutions may be different for you than for another person. Receiving help from an expert will be able to guide you in the right direction to help you control your anxiety.

Family Breakups and Cutoffs

One of the most painful situations in which individuals often find themselves is being cut-off from family members. There are several different reasons that this occurs, however, for the person that has been cut off, there are often many different feelings that can often lead to depression. Individuals that are cut off often feel confused, shame, and stress. Many times the person that has been cut off has no idea why they are being shunned which may only last a few years or for their entire life.

For those that are in this situation, the following reasons are often the most common, however, there can be other reasons. Being cut off from a family member or from your entire family can be devastating for many.


We often act in the manner we have seen our parents act. If one of your parents has cut off one or more family members when they become angry, upset, or disappointed in their behavior, you may react the same way as a teenager or adult. We all learn how to react and response by what we see as we are growing up and often follow the same behavior.


Everyone knows that in their family there are dominant individuals that often cut off others to show their power. This is a type of bullying whereas if a family member does not agree or will do as expected by the dominant member, then they are often cut off. Many children learn this bullying behavior at home when they watch how one individual in the family bullies others to stay in control.

Fed Up

In some cases, family members just get tired of the drama of one family member and just cannot take the negative vibes any longer. This could be due to the family member suffering from addiction and will not seek help, only come around when they need something or some other action that places family members in situations that make them feel uncomfortable. Each person has a tolerance level and when it is reached, for their own peace of mind they cut off the other person.

Keeping the Past in the Past

Many of us have things in our past that we do not want to remember as we have healed and gone forward. There are often family members that dwell on these past memories and only remind us of the bad times. By cutting off this family member, we can move forward and sort of ignore the bad memories so we can carry on with our lives in a more positive manner.

Choosing One Family Over Another

Too many times, there are conflicts that arise that make you choose your spouse over your child from a different marriage or your spouse over your parents. This can also occur when siblings are at odds and you must choose one over the other. This can be devastating, but it is very common. Not only will the one you cut off have confusing feelings as to what went wrong, but you will also have issues as you still want that person in your life.

Breakdown in Communication

There are times when communicating with others there is misunderstanding, this also occurs with family members. The problem is that if no one discusses the issue the words that were misunderstood will fester and grow until there is a breakdown. This breakdown will often lead to avoiding the family member instead of trying to work things out.


Money is one of the biggest issues in many families. Whether is loaning money to a family member or as large as a family inheritance. Trying to deal with late payments on a loan or squabbling over the inheritance will often place family members at odds which can lead to being cut off from the family.

Caring for Aging Parents

As we age, we often have to rely on our children and grandchildren to help us. The problem here often occurs when one family member is taking on the majority of the care. Some families will work out a schedule so each person can help with the care, doctor's visits and more. On the other hand, some individuals may not be able to help as they live far away or have a full-time job and family. The one that takes on the responsibility, may cut off the other siblings that are not helping, feeling as if they do not care about the parents.

Physical or Mental Abuse

When a person has been mentally or physically abused by a relative, the person that caused the abuse will be cut off. Of course, this is important for the health and well being of those that were abused.

No matter the reason you may have been cut off from your family, counseling can provide you with the necessary tools to cope with the situation. A Bentonville Arkansas therapist can help you not only cope with the issue but in many cases, help you connect with your family once again.

Risk Factors and Signs of Depression

Depression is one of those problems that can occur in all ages, all races, and both sexes. This mental issue has no boundaries when it comes to affecting individuals. On the other hand, there are risk factors that might put in the category to have problems with depression.

Risk Factors

  • Trauma during childhood

  • Trauma during teen years

  • Substance abuse

  • Low self-confidence

  • Family history of mental issues

  • Lack of acceptance for sexual preference

  • Issues adjusting to a health problem such as stroke, COPD, cancer, etc.

  • Issues adjusting to major injuries such as paralysis

  • Prior mental health problems

  • No support system like family and friends

  • Side effects of certain medicines such as corticosteroids, beta blockers, statins, and hormonal medicines

Signs of Depression

Everyone can feel sad at some time in their lives. However, depression and sadness are not the same. There are signs to watch for so you will know if you or a loved one are suffering from depression or are just having a normal sad/bad day.

Change in Feelings

The most recognized symptom of depression is the feeling of hopelessness or helplessness. Other feelings can also be present such as guilt, hating oneself, or feeling worthless. Many people suffering from depression often wonder if continuing onward is worth it.

Loss of Interest in Things Once Enjoyed

When a person is suffering from depression, they often withdraw from activities they once enjoyed. The lose interest in hobbies, activities, and even spending time with family and friends. Major depression can lead to impotence and decrease in sex drive.


The main reason most individuals with depression lose interest in the things they once loved is due to lack of energy. Most feel tired all the time and often sleep more than usual or cannot sleep at all. Depression has been linked to sleepless nights or sleeps more hours than ever before which can lead to anxiety.

Moodiness and Anxiety

These symptoms are often seen in both sexes; however, in men, the moodiness can be displayed in other actions such as misplaced anger or risky behavior.

Increase or Decrease of Appetite

Both an increase or decrease of appetite is a symptom of depression. Some individuals will eat more and gain weight, while another person will eat less and lose weight.

Unmanageable Emotions

Depression can cause a person to be crying and then in a minute yelling. Emotions are often up and down and uncontrollable. Mood swings are very common just as they are with mood disorders. This can make diagnosing a person with depression can be difficult and often is diagnosed as bipolar disorder.

Thoughts of Suicide

Depression has been linked to suicide. This, of course, is the worst symptom as many people do not recognize the symptoms of depression and it can end fatally. More than 41,000 individuals killed themselves in 2013 in the United States as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Most of the individuals that commit suicide talked about it or and tried previously.


Knowing the signs and risk factors of depression are very important so you can seek help for yourself or a loved one.

Thinking With Focus: Correct way to approach ADHD

Too many times, individuals with a mental disorder will often state I am bipolar or I am ADHD, however, someone with cancer or diabetes would never state that they are the ailment but would state they have the medical problem. ADHD is unlike other mental disorders as even though they can cause disabilities they can also show benefits to the individual as well. A Fort Smith therapist can provide the necessary skills for those suffering from ADHD to live a fruitful life.

ADHD is often known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also helps with innovation and creativity. With that being said, just because a person has been diagnosed with ADHD, does not mean that at all times, they will exhibit the signs or symptoms. In many cases, a person can be focused on one thing for a while or can be very focused which is known as hyper-focused. Many mental and medical conditions are consistent, but with ADHD the symptoms can come and go even from moment to moment. The worst part of all is that a person that is suffering from ADHD cannot show any type of physical proof that they have the disorder as there are no medical tests, bone scans, or other tests or exams that can prove that a person has ADHD.

When someone states that a person has ADHD, what is actually being said is that the person is usually thinking in an ADHD manner. Each person at one time or the other will have focused and unfocused times. The reason a person is diagnosed with ADHD is that they are often in an unfocused state much of the time and it is noticeable by others which leads to problems functioning properly, such as dealing with school or work.

It is very important that individuals that have ADHD do not express themselves as being ADHD since they are not actually acting in an ADHD manner at all times. Once a person realizes they have this disorder, they can learn to control the unfocused episodes by learning to focus their thoughts. The best in which to do this is by thinking about what they can focus on naturally, things that they are interested in doing and the activities they enjoy.

Learning the environments in which they focus best is also a great way to help focus even though you have ADHD. Is a quiet area or a noise area the best place for you to focus. Most people can focus better when they are happy with the activity they are involved in doing or if they have higher confidence with the task at hand. Even when you are in focus, there will be times that it will be more difficult to stay focused, but this is natural for every human. The idea is to learn if you are not focused due to your lack of interest, the environment, or if you are experiencing an ADHD moment.

Seeking Help

A professional Fort Smith, AR therapist can help you or a loved one suffering from ADHD live a better life through the proper counseling channels.

The Effects of Bullying

Awareness of mental health has soared over the last few decades. As our society begins to comprehend the illnesses that plague so many, we become more aware of the ramifications of our actions. Actions such as bullying in school can lead to long-lasting emotional damage for the victims who experience it. In the short term, a child may exhibit symptoms such as anxiety, depression, anger, lower grades than their peers, suicidal thoughts and feelings, and even illness occurring more often. If your child has exhibited some or all of these symptoms, you should consider seeking a therapist to help work through the trauma before it becomes deeper rooted and becomes detrimental in the long-term. When left unchecked, bullying can lead to self-esteem problems, increased desire to be alone, interpersonal difficulties such as fear and avoiding new social situations, difficulty trusting people, lingering feelings of bitterness and anger, and even reduced occupational opportunities.

There is an increasing body of research supporting the link between bullying and long-term emotional damage. A victim does not even need to be physically harmed in order to suffer lasting harm. In fact, the primary wound that victims of bullying endure is the damage to their own identities. Bullying attempts to create fear and self-loathing. One who is a target of bullying has their ability to view themselves as a capable, desirable, and effective individual is damaged. Being bullied repetitively forces the person to contemplate their lack of control over the bullying process. After repeated scenarios of the bullying, they will come to believe they can't do anything to change this situation, which then sets them up for hopelessness and depression.

The anxiety and depression that can result from the experience of being bullied are truly crippling. Panic attacks, moments of intense fear that seem to have no real trigger, can develop and cause a person to become even more secluded and upset with their own state of mind. This can then lead to the development of agoraphobia, the fear of leaving the house. Being too scared to leave the house, coupled with the fear of having another panic attack, can lead to an increase in depression. You can imagine how frustrating it must be, feeling like you can't leave the house and not understanding why. This is backed by the self-esteem issues that a bullied victim faces. The fear and frustration associated with agoraphobia and panic attacks only compound onto the already damaged self-concept. This is where it can become a cycle of anxiety and depression that is very difficult to break out of. If you are suffering from these symptoms yourself, it would be very beneficial to contact a qualified counselor that specializes in kid therapy. There is hope for you, you just have to take the first step.

Why Children Misbehave

Many parents wonder why their child or children act the way they do at times. Children are trying to figure out how the world works as well as how they are supposed to act. Many times, they do test their parents to learn exactly just how much they can get away with before they upset a parent. This does not necessarily mean that they are out of control or have a problem, but are trying to learn the world around them.

Of course, as parents, we all have been pushed to the point of wanting to pull out our hair. However, if we as parents, learn the reasons behind the behavior, we can actually change the outcome and have enjoyed a more peaceful home or outing.

The one thing that must be remembered is that no matter where your child is acting out, it is normal. Many times, children are just trying their independence or in some cases, there may be a reason behind the behavior that the child does not know how to express.

Most parents do not know the stages of child development or how to respond in a positive manner when their children act inappropriately. Punishment is often the first choice for parents, which may not be the correct way to respond. The first child is often the one that receives more punishment and then as we become older, we have discovered more about way children communicate and the punishments become less and less for each child after the first.

Let's look at the main reasons children behave and hopefully learn how to respond in a better way to help our children grow and mature.

Needs are Not Meet

Many times children are just acting out as they want your attention as they are bored, hungry, or even scared. The best way to respond is to know what the problem is by asking them if they are hungry, etc... If they are bored at an event, you need to explain that the event will be over and then you will go home, park, etc..., but that their behavior is not appropriate and will not be tolerated. State what will happen if the behavior continues and be firm. Do not use violence or yelling. An example could be that we will go to a restaurant to eat after the store, event, or whatever, but if their behavior continues you will not to the restaurant.

Do not Understand What is Expected

Young children may not understand the way in which you want them to behave. You may ask that they play in their room while someone is visiting, but they become very loud. They are following your rules by playing in their room, but they are so loud that it is distracting. To your child, according to their age, may not understand that they need to be quieter. You must help the child understand what is expected such as using an inside voice.

Are Afraid

You may not realize it, but when children are scared they will act out the worst. You may be corporal punishment to control your child which will only cause them to be afraid. This will, in fact, cause them to act out as a protection mechanism. You need to learn why they are acting out and then learn to use the proper wording to reassure them instead of scaring them. If you are using spanking as a punishment, they will not learn how to control a situation with a bully in school. Along these lines, if your child is being bullied at school, you will see your child act out at home. Helping them learn how to deal with a bully instead of spanking will give you more peace at home.

Low Self Esteem

Children need more than food to eat and a roof over their heads to grow and mature properly. Too many times, parents are not supportive of the emotional needs of their children, they just believe the children know they are loved or they want their children to be tough. Children need encouragement, love, and support. Children will act out if they do not like themselves. If a parent only points out the inappropriate behavior, a child will begin to believe they are bad and worthless. Praising your child for even the smallest of accomplishments will go a long way.

Do What They See

A child learns from their parents. If you argue with one another, yell at the children, or even hit them, they believe this is the right behavior. The same goes for using bad language. You have to set the right example for them to follow. If you yell at your child, do not be surprised if he or she yells back at you. They are only doing what they see.


If you are not sure how to work with your child with the various stages of their life or you are not sure that you are approaching the issues correctly, it would be in your best interest to talk with a Fayetteville counselor that has experience working with children.

Startling Signs of Mood Disorders

Mood disorders are often characterized by the common person as someone that is either depressed or anxious which will usually show by such behaviors as not wanting to get up in the morning, crying for no reason, or biting their nails. However, there are small signs that most people do not realize and since most individuals that suffer from some type of mood disorder, have conditioned themselves to control the signs when possible so they seem like nothing is wrong, it can be even harder for family and friends to notice anything out of the ordinary.

There are more mood disorders besides anxiety and depression which include seasonal affective disorder, cyclothymic disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder, among others and the way in which the disorder presents itself can be different from one person to another. Every person is unique; therefore, the signs of a mood disorder can be very different as well.

The startling signs that you may not realize are below. Even these can be signs that a friend or loved one may be suffering from a mood disorder. If you or a loved one are showing signs of a mood disorder, you may wish to speak with a Lowell, AR therapist.

Slow Movement

Physically a person with a mood disorder, such as depression, may actually walk at a slower pace, speak slower, and have decreased cognitive function. In the Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry journal, this is known as psychomotor retardation.

Abrupt Changes in Sleep Patterns

When an individual is suffering from a mood disorder, their hormones and neurotransmitters are also fluctuating, which can lead to abrupt changes in the amount of sleep the person gets every night. Some individuals will sleep more while others have a hard time going to sleep or may not be able to sleep all night long without interruptions.

Sudden Changes in Eating Patterns

Those with a mood disorder may begin to eat less or even eat more. This behavior does not point to one disorder as some individuals may eat more when depressed while others may eat more. The same goes for those with anxiety. Every individual is different as explained above, so the symptoms can vary as well.


Through research, a link has been found between bipolar disorder and depression and severe migraines. For a person that is experiencing more headaches as well as frequent ups and downs, then you may have a mood disorder.

Lack of Personal Hygiene

Some people change their personal hygiene habits according to the way they feel such as not taking showers or other changes that are noticeable. If a woman always wears makeup, but suddenly, stops or if a man never leaves the house unshaven, but just begins to not shave, these are warning signs.

Becomes Less Social

Some people with a mood disorder, begin to start staying at home or not attending social functions which can go as far as not answering their telephone. This is usually seen with depression as most individuals just feel like doing nothing and the desire to be alone is often strong.

Impulsive Shopping

Those suffering from bipolar disorder have lows and highs. During the highs known as manic, many turns to impulsive behavior such as spending more or not even thinking but buying things on a whim. During the lows, they often feel lonely and isolated.

Physical Pain

Depression and anxiety can bring on physical pain often in the way of back pain. The reason is that when tension is held inward, it often shows through the back where the person may feel stiff or have pains in the lower back, upper back or neck.

Reduced Concentration

You may look at a person and think they must have their minds on too many things at once as they seem like they are disorganized. This could be a sign of depression as they may have problems with concentration instead of disorganization.

Being Cranky

Teenagers often show signs of irritability. This can be from problems sleeping which will, of course, cause a person to not be able to hold their temper. If a person gets upset quickly over small things and begins to perform more physical activities, this can also be a sign of a mood disorder.

If you or a loved one, have any of the above signs, you may wish to talk with an experienced mood disorder counselor. The sooner, you seek help from a professional, the better the chances are for the person to begin living a normal life through counseling and in some cases, medications to help with the symptoms of the mood disorder.